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Product updates: July 24, 2022

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We’re improving the functionality of our highest-priority features and releasing new ones triweekly to secure SuperAnnotate’s honored spot as the best end-to-end solution of its kind.

product updates 2022 july 2

Enjoyed our previous release? Today, we’re back with a classy bundle of feature improvements and redesign elements:

  • Default attribute values
  • Setup tab and tabs navigation redesign
  • Rename Subset
  • Recent queries
  • Show/Hide multiple objects
  • Vector Editor’s left panel redesign
  • SDK custom metadata

Keep on reading to see updates in action.

Release date: Jul 24, 2022

Default attribute values

SuperAnnotate’s announcing the power of default attributes across Vector, Video, and Text Projects. This means that you can apply a default attribute for Objects and Tags with Single or Multiple selection group types.

By setting a default attribute value, you’re reducing the steps needed to perform repetitive actions every time a class is selected.

Pick an attribute from the drop-down under Default attribute, then save.

default attribute

When selecting a class in the editor, your target object will have the default attribute assigned automatically.

Setup tab and tabs navigation redesign

To further improve your experience within our platform, we’re giving the Setup tab structure a more intuitive look.

Under the new Setup tab, you can find all the tabs related to project setup. This allows you to easily create classes, set up a workflow, add contributors, and adjust project settings all in one place.

setup tab and tabs navigation redesign

The Contributors tab also underwent minor improvements, which you can learn about in the release notes.

Rename Subset

You will no more be struggling with applying changes to a Subset name in the process.

Rename Subsets to use more representative and convenient names anytime item parameters change within the subset.

Recent queries

When hitting the query bar, you can find your last three unique queries in a dropdown.

Not only will this significantly ease running the same queries in different folders/subsets, but it will also allow repeating them seamlessly when required.

Show/Hide multiple objects

To faster locate objects on the canvas, we’re introducing the Show/Hide of multiple objects.

You can show and hide multiple objects simultaneously by right-clicking on the selected objects and clicking on the eye icon.


1) Right-click on the group dashed line to show/hide all the objects in the group.

2) Use a respective eye icon on the right panel to unhide an object.

Vector Editor’s left panel redesign

Our Vector Editor's left panel got a practical makeover:

1) All annotation tools are in a nested menu. Right-click on the bounding box in the left panel to find all the tools.

2) The text icon accommodates the Eyedropper, Bucket, and Ruler. Right-click to access the list.

3) The zoom in and zoom out buttons are removed: Scroll up to zoom in and scroll down to zoom up.

SDK custom metadata

Finally, this release brings you the possibility to define custom fields at a project level, and upload custom values with respect to the fields defined earlier.

Below you can find the functions we’re providing to address the metadata issue:

Stay on top of the upcoming updates!

SuperAnnotate Release July 24 2022

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