SuperAnnotate launches Real-Life AI, a brand new podcast series. The podcast comes to reveal the hype behind this state-of-art technology by introducing AI implementation examples in the real world for both mature and amateur audiences. Tigran Petrosyan, the co-founder and CEO of SuperAnnotate, invites leading industry and academia experts every month to discuss modern-day AI applications.

Episode #1
The first episode of the podcast features prof. Trevor Darrell from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at UC Berkeley, the founder and co-lead of Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) lab, the Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD) Industrial Consortia, and the BAIR Commons program. Professor Darrell introduces these and other initiatives he’s involved in as a member, supervisor, and founder. He talks about the challenges computer vision currently faces and solves, such as autonomous driving, SAR imagery, cashierless checkout systems, and more. He also shares practical advice for amateur data scientists and highlights the importance of close collaboration between industry and academia.
This episode is available on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcast. Stay tuned for the next episode to hear from a prominent representative of the biggest platforms in the computer vision industry!