Why teams choose SuperAnnotate over Scale

A comprehensive all-in-one solution to accelerate your ML pipeline.

Annotation tooling
SaaS offering
Only for Curation
Service marketplace
Custom model building
Data curation system
Asset management
Data versioning
Model versioning
Multi-level QA system
User and role management
Predictive labeling
Consensus labeling
On-premise data solution
Task prioritization (active learning)
Advanced analytics
Cloud integration
annotation services superannotate

Why SuperAnnotate?

Have complete visibility and gain full control over your projects, pipeline, and data with an industry-leading annotation platform and an integrated service marketplace.

The fastest toolset

Future-proof your product with a robust toolset for image, video, and text annotation. With SuperAnnotate’s automation and active learning features, you’ll build high-quality models in less time.

annotation editor tool
object level quality assurance

Quality hits all-time high

Are you confident your models are fed quality inputs? Shrug it off. We pilot the age of SuperData. You can now build the highest quality training data for your machine learning model extremely fast.

Heavy on features, light on the cost

Even with a restricted budget, we'll establish the most effective processes to get you the best possible results. Receive discounts with larger and long-term commitments.

affordable at scale chart
project management

Infinitely scalable

SuperAnnotate makes human intelligence available at scale. Our solution develops scalable annotation pipelines of any size and complexity, everywhere in the world.

Build the highest quality training data now