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Product updates: October 2, 2022

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Wraping September up, the spooky season at SuperAnnotate is packed with new features in Explore (curation) to keep your monster datasets healthy. Keep on reading to see them in action:

product updates october

Instance view in Explore/data curation

Up until now, monitoring and maintaining dataset health for instance-heavy images required a lot of manual intervention.

To make the QA process faster and more efficient, we’re proposing a new instance layout where you can immediately filter out instance-containing images of your interest for closer analysis.

Approve/disapprove instances

This release also brings the opportunity to approve/disapprove instances right from the Explore tab. Here’s how to do that:

Delete instances

To delete instances from the Explore tab, make sure you’re in the Instance view, select your target instances, and click Delete.

Stay tuned not to miss more updates coming with the next release.

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