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Product updates: September 11, 2022

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Tested our August updates and are all set for more? With this release, we’re introducing two major features in Team Settings and the Vector Editor. Meet the new:

product updates september 2022
  • Clip Polygon
  • SDK token view permission
  • Other improvements

Clip Polygon

This time we focused on improving the instance and semantic segmentation experience within the platform by automating Polygon usage for overlapping objects.

Activate the Clip Mode to create instances without having them overlapped. The outcomes? Easy and error-free segmentation with reduced project completion time.

/* Text */
Note: The Clip Mode is available for segmentation with the Polygon tool only.

SDK token view permission

Here’s why we think you’ll love it. The new permission allows the team owner to securely provide SDK token view access to the team admin(s) of their choice and revoke it anytime.

This way, you’re offered a secure, centralized solution to manage SDK token view permission and no longer need to rely on external sources for token sharing.

Other improvements

We recommend checking out our SDK changelog for more.

And as usual, if you want a sneak peek into what we come up with next, keep an eye on our release notes.

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