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How the Internet of Things (IoT) is used in modern AI applications

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has already made headway into becoming a general-purpose technology vastly impacting economies. Yet, the interpretation and estimated trajectory for something remotely close to what we call AI now was first explored in the 1950s.

Until this very day, AI keeps on evolving further. Though let’s face it, AI would have been useless without data. With around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated every day, the numbers will shoot up as the Internet of Things (IoT) enters the game.

internet of things in ai applications

Let’s see what this is all about and where and how exactly IoT crosses paths with AI applications.

  • IoT fundamentals: Where does IoT meet AI
  • The benefits of IoT in AI
  • Challenges of IoT in AI
  • Why implement machine learning in IoT
  • IoT applications for AI
  • Key takeaways

IoT fundamentals: Where does IoT meet AI?

What is meant by the term internet of things (IoT) is essentially a system of correlated digital and mechanical appliances, computing devices, and sensors embedded often into everyday objects that transfer data over a network. IoT connects the internet to any and every physical thing or place in the world.

Modern IoT has advanced from the mere merging of microelectromechanical systems to wireless technologies, and faster data transfer through the internet. This resulted in a confluence of information technology and artificial intelligence, allowing unstructured machine-generated data to be evaluated for insights that could lead to new developments.

More and more industries are now referring to IoT to function more proficiently, provide better customer service, escalate the significance of their business, and implement robust decision-making.

Machine learning for IoT can be used to identify anomalies, predict emerging trends, and expand intelligence through the consumption of audio, videos, and images. The implication of machine learning in IoT can substitute manual processes and offer automated systems using statistically backed up actions in critical processes.

The benefits of IoT in AI and real life

IoT offers the following benefits to AI applications:

  • IoT data for business purposes
  • Cost and time savings
  • Task automation and reduction of human intervention
  • Higher quality of life
benefits of iot in ai

IoT data for business purposes

IoT can also be viewed as a data pool. That means by aggregating IoT data, one can extract useful data-driven feedback, which in turn (used properly) may foster effective decision-making. Businesses can also identify new market opportunities, not because of IoT itself but by using the data IoT provides. And since IoT offers companies access to more data, and hence advanced analytics of that data, its usage can eventually result in improved customer outcomes and enhanced service delivery.

Cost and time savings

When devices get connected, cost reductions come along with it. The gathering of different data allows for advances in efficiency, and it leads to money surplus and low-cost materials.

Task automation and reduction of human intervention

Nowadays, devices that are internet-connected can be found in every aspect of our lives, and it is safe to say that they make tasks easier. These automation features range from real-time AI-powered chatbots to home automation control systems, and all of it usually takes a click of a button.

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Higher quality of life

IoT is not only beneficial in the business aspects but it also creates better living circumstances for us. Smart cities and agriculture, intelligent homes, and food waste solutions are some of the most common ways of IoT providing better, more sustainable living conditions for people.

Challenges of IoT in AI

Despite the numerous benefits and advancements that IoT brings to the table, there have been a few limitations with it. Some of them are listed below:

  • Privacy issues
  • Data overflow
  • Bug issues
  • Compatibility issues

Privacy issues

With the increased connection between multiple devices or their coexistence for model development purposes, more information is shared between them, which poses vulnerability to your data and makes room for caution. Added layers of protection are needed to prevent risks of data leaks and other threats.

Data overflow

Eventually, organizations will have to find a way to deal with the large numbers of IoT devices, and that will include the collection and systematic management of all the data from those IoT devices. The proper use of data lakes and warehouses, close governance, and intuitive arrangement of datasets will become an utmost priority.

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Bug issues

If one IoT device has a bug in its system, there is a large chance that every other connected device will also have it.

Compatibility issues

Because there are no international standards of compatibility for IoT, it's harder for different devices to communicate with one another.

Why implement machine learning in IoT

More and more companies are combining IoT with machine learning projects so they can achieve analytical skills on a large variety of use cases which allows their businesses to have access to fresh insights and adopt innovative automation. By implementing machine learning for IoT, they can leverage the following:

  • Convert data into a coherent format
  • Arrange the machine learning model on device, edge, and cloud
  • Enable use of data on edge devices directly for complex decision making

IoT applications for AI

Although we have covered the basics of IoT, its implications for AI are not as simple. Many corporations are adopting IoT which allows them to have an advanced approach to growing and advancing their business. Novel IoT applications are offering organizations the ability to plan and implement more vigorous risk management strategies. Some of the more common uses of IoT in AI encompass the following:

Transport logistics

Not only does IoT expand the material flow systems in transport logistics, but it also improves the automatic identification and global positioning of freight. It also increases energy efficiency and consequently declines the consumption of energy.

Smart cities

Although the term smart city is still incomplete, it mainly refers to an urban area that endorses sustainable enlargement and high quality of life. Giffinger et al.’s model explains the features of a smart city, including the people, the government, the economy, and lifestyle.

iot applications for ai

E-health control

The two main objectives of future health care are e-health control and prevention. People nowadays can choose to be monitored by physicians even if they do not live in the same country or place. Tracing and monitoring peoples’ health history makes IoT-assisted e-health extremely useful. IoT healthcare solutions could also benefit the specialists, as they can collect information to advance their medical calculations.

Key takeaways

Ever since its development, IoT, especially AI-enabled IoT, as discussed, has been enhancing our daily lives and directing us to work smarter while having complete control over the process. Besides having smart appliances to elevate homes, IoT devices can also be essential for providing insights and an actual look for businesses into their systems. Heading forward, IoT will continue to develop as more organizations get to understand its potential usage and tangible benefits.

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